We’re immensely grateful for all of the support we receive and would like to take a moment to lift up United Way of Greater Atlanta, which has been of critical importance these last few years. When the pandemic hit, we all struggled–each in our own way. RE continued to serve families throughout the crisis despite having access to fewer resources and channels of support. The work we do takes a village, and we’re dedicated to it regardless of circumstances, but it does become more difficult in times of isolation when so many are confined to their homes. That’s what brought us to the attention of United Way.
United Way is a special organization, and in many ways especially suited to this time. It does not have a single project or a single community that it serves. It exists to bring people and resources together, coordinating across sectors–volunteers, donors, nonprofits, and local governments–allowing us to partner together to multiply our impact. With an overall focus on child well-being, which they divide into four key areas, they were a natural partner for RE.
Early in the pandemic, United Way’s program officers recognized us as an organization that had “boots on the ground” and an ability to continue serving youth despite the reduced access. Not only did they provide direct support, but they also connected us with other organizations, including BET, the Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta, the Department of Education (their BOOST Grant), and the African American Partnership Initiative at UWGA. Each of these has been valuable partners to us these past few years, and we might never have connected with them were it not for United Way.