.After 12 years of calling 225 James P. Brawley Drive our home, we are finally moving! As we have shared throughout the years, we value being centrally located to where our children, youth and their families live. Moving into the Bethune Elementary building off of Northside Drive will present some new challenges yet we are appreciative that Atlanta Public Schools values our work enough to extend an opportunity for us to move into that building. By the end of May, 2017 Raising Expectations will be inside of our new temporary location at Bethune, unpacking, preparing and designing our new learning spaces to feel like the youth and family centric home that we created inside of the old Kennedy building which is now the Hollis Innovation Academy.
We will need as many hands on deck to support this transition and ask that you consider joining us in preparing for this transition. If you are interested in volunteering to help with #TheMove, please reach out to Elizabeth, Director of Programs, via phone (404-490-1995) or email (elizabeth@raisingexpectations.org) for more information.