Please select a volunteer training date from the selections below. Click on a time slot to register for our Volunteer Training. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email and reminder emails.
Volunteer trainings will take place in the following locations:
Saturday, September 17, 2016
9:30am – 1pm, Light refreshments served between 9 – 9:30am
Spelman College, Camille Cosby Bldg – Lower Level
350 Spelman Lane
Atlanta, Ga 30314
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
4:15pm – 6:45pm
Raising Expectations Program Space
225 James P Brawley DR NW
Atlanta, Ga 30314
(.5 mile north past WalMart)
*You are able to contact your respective Community Service offices and inquire about their community service shuttle. However, you will need to speak with them prior to the day of training.
Note that these are the only scheduled volunteer trainings for the semester. If there are any conflicts, please contact us via phone (678.885.7395) or email ( as soon as possible.